Jaipur. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot said that it is the priority of the State Government to complete all recruitments in a stipulated time by organising competitive examinations in a time-bound manner. The Rajasthan Public Service Commission and Rajasthan Staff Selection Board are conducting examinations accordingly after releasing the recruitment calendar. RAS Mains Examination is also being conducted on February 25 and 26, 2022 as per the RPSC calendar. Majority of the candidates appearing in the Mains exam want the examination to be held on time. Postponement of examinations is not in the interest of most of the candidates, as it will put financial and mental pressure on them. In such a situation, the demand to postpone the Mains exam by some candidates is not justified.
The Chief Minister said that it is necessary to keep a gap of 90 to 100 days between the preliminary and mains examinations to complete the process of RAS recruitment in three phases-preliminary examination, Mains examination and interview in one year. Delay in this gap puts additional pressure on the candidates preparing for the RAS exams. There is a possibility of delay in other competitive examinations to be organised as per the recruitment calendar released by RPSC on not holding the RAS Mains exam on time. Earlier too, there has been a delay in completing the recruitment process due to filing of various suits in the court over the RAS recruitment examinations held between 2013 and 2021. He said that the preliminary examination of RAS recruitment 2021 was organised on October 27, 2021, and its result was declared on November 19, 2021. In such a situation, candidates preparing for the Mains have got adequate time.
Few candidates’ demanding to extend the date of the Mains examination is not logical stating that they did not get adequate time to prepare due to change in the syllabus of the examination, because the Rajasthan Public Service Commission has already issued a clarification earlier that a slight changes have been made in the syllabus which are contemporary changes made according to the present circumstances. The newly added topics are related to the old subjects and most of the syllabus of the examination remains the same. The candidates appearing in the Mains exam will not face any kind of problem.
Gehlot said that the State Government had constituted the Kumawat Committee to suggest holding the competitive examinations smoothly. According to the recommendations of this committee the examinations are being conducted as per the recruitment calendar released by the RPSC. He said that due to the commitment of the State Government to complete the recruitment processes in a time-bound manner, the present Government so far has provided appointments to 1 lakh youth in the Government departments and around 1 lakh recruitments in various departments are in process.